The Welch lab is actively recruiting graduate students for the coming year (Fall 2023 start).

I anticipate recruiting up to 1 MSc student and 1 or 2 PhD students (i.e. student already has MSc or is a BSc graduate that is especially competitive). In particular, I am looking for students interested in studying a) ecotoxicology and/or ecoimmunology of neotropical bats and birds, b) digestive physiology and ecology, c) comparative animal energetics, and/or d) the interface of diet, natural history, and aging/senescence. Of course, the lab welcomes compelling projects outside of these areas as well, provided it is a mutually-agreed “good fit”.
The positions are fully-funded by a Welch Lab NSERC Discovery Grant and Discovery Accelerator Supplement. Domestic and particularly strong international candidates are invited to apply.
Students are welcomed to apply through either the Cell & Systems Biology or Ecology & Evolutionary Biology graduate programs. More details about graduate school at the University of Toronto, including information on stipends and more on how to apply, can be found here.
In addition to applying through the Graduate School (the official route to apply), interested students should e-mail me the following:
- A CV/resume
- An unofficial copy of their undergraduate (and graduate, if applicable) transcript
- A cover letter summarising their experience and interests
- A list of 2-3 academic/research mentors (with contact info.) that can provide recommendations, if contacted
The Welch lab embraces EDI principles outlined in UTSC’s Strategic Plan: Inspiring Inclusive Excellence. We are fully committed to a lab community that embraces and welcomes all forms of diversity, strives for excellence in our research and professional interactions, and recognizes and actively supports wellness in our team members.